welcome to the library!


cover of carmen maria machado's in the dream house cover of qiu miaojin's notes of the crocodile cover of the selected works of audre lorde cover of alice in wonderland


cover of haikyuu!! vol. 1 cover of neighborhood story vol.1 cover of nana vol.1 cover of princess jellyfish vol.1


movie poster of night is short walk on girl movie poster of talking heads movie poster of where is the friend's house movie poster of james baldwin: meeting the man in paris

t.v. shows

poster for interview with the vampire tv show poster for derry girls poster for sex education poster for skip and loafer

this is a catalogue of my favourite media i've consumed thus far.

hovering over them will take you to their letterboxd, storygraph or imdb links depending on what they are! i hope you enjoy perusing :3

i hope to make individual pages for them in the future with my thoughts!